

Pictured are Juanita Penn, Darinda Boston, Ann Caldwell, and Delores McGregor,Community Service Chairperson for Paisley Alumni. All SECU staff members were very appreciative of the articles that was presented to them. Delores would like to thank all alumni members for their generous donations to this successful project.

Paisley Alumni members delivered to the SECU Family House their Top Ten Wish List articles on Friday, April 19, 2019 at 10:00 am. Each article on their list was purchased in numerous amounts. We were given a tour of the lovely facility by Lisa Northrop, Director of Donor Relations.

The Community Service Committee of Paisley Alumni collected urgent care items during the month of April for The Bethesda Center for the Homeless. This project was very successful.

On May 4, 2018 the committee donated three full boxes of items to The Bethesda Center. Ms. Chere Flowers, Volunteer Coordinator, was so elated with the articles. She took the alumni members on a complete tour of the facility. It was a good experience and a wonderful day.

A very rewarding experience was had by members of Paisley Alumni on May 21, 2018.  Alumni members served lunch to the community at Samaritan Ministries. Ms. Anna Donzi, Volunteer Coordinator, took a picture with the Paisley Alumni volunteers. Members present but not photographed are Mary Bess-King, Eric Martin, and James Pickens.

The second $1,000.00 Napoleon Wilkes Scholarship was awarded to Taylor Mack at Parkland’s Awards program on May 25, 2018. Taylor is a former Paisley student now enrolled in the IB Program at Parkland. Academics is Taylor’s top priority.  She plans to attend Appalachian State University and major in Marketing. Ms. Delores McGregor and Mrs. Sandra Wilkes presented the scholarship to Taylor Mack.